Dental Implants

Post-Operative Instructions for a Single Implant with Healing Cap

A special healing cap is placed over the top of the implant and assists in healing the surrounding gum tissue. The healing cap is temporary and is meant to be removed by your doctor when your mouth is fully healed and ready for your permanent restoration.

To protect the healing cap during the healing process, you should take extra care when eating, brushing and flossing. Consult with your doctor to determine which type of toothbrush is the best for you to use. Additional brushes may be recommended that help clean the hard to reach areas around the implant.

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Caring for your Implant supported Bridge

PLAY VIDEO Taking proper care of your implant supported bridge is important in maintaining good oral health and ensuring the longevity of your restoration and the implants supporting it. Just like your natural teeth, your bridge requires proper daily cleaning to maintain optimal health. Caring for your bridge can be challenging because of the need

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What is Peri-Implantitis?

Symptoms of peri-implantitis can vary in type and severity. Some symptoms include redness, inflammation, and bleeding of the surrounding gum tissue, deepening of the periodontal pockets around the implant, exposure and visibility of the underlying implant threads, loosening of the implant itself, and pus discharging from the tissues around the implant. In cases of more severe infection, the lymph nodes on your neck may become swollen as well.

The most common cause of peri-implantitis is tartar buildup at the implant site, which harbors toxin-emitting bacteria that cause irritation of the surrounding gum tissue, and ultimately results in tissue and bone loss. There are other possible causes that may apply depending on your situation.

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Bridge Versus an Implant

Another option is a dental implant, which serves as an artificial root, anchoring the replacement tooth in place. This also helps protect and preserve the area from tissue loss and recession.  An implant can be cared for just like any natural tooth. It also does not require removal of potentially healthy structure from the neighbouring teeth to support it.

A considerable time span is needed to complete the procedure. In such cases your doctor can place a temporary tooth in the empty space while you heal.  As with any procedure, many additional factors must be taken into account. Your doctor can help you make that the right choice based upon your unique needs.

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Screw-Retained Implant (Anterior- Healing Cap)

PLAY VIDEO Replacing a tooth can be accomplished with a dental implant. A dental implant restores mouth to optimal function; stabilizing the surrounding bone, tissue and teeth by substituting the root structure of the missing tooth. This helps to prevent further serious complications that can arise if the missing tooth is left untreated. First, the

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